Secret Entourage / Secret to Success

October 13, 2016

Secret Entourage / Secret to Success

Secret Entourage Success Story
Starting a clothing line is arguably one of the hardest industries to succeed in as in most cases you are not solving a problem, but rather trying to start a movement or brand. For Randall Pich, success did not come easy for his Live Fit line of apparel, and it was even more so difficult considering the fact that Randall had dropped out of school to focus on his business. The difference was that Randall had a plan, and a sense of urgency to make Live Fit work. Needless to say, Randall succeeded in achieving that by making Live Fit apparel a recognized brand that is slated to do $8 million a year annually.


How did your brand Live Fit (LVFT) come about?

Before Live Fit was born, I came from a clothing and retail background. I used to own many brands, including a few ski brands.

I started in high school, but it just never worked out. I did personal training for about seven years, and during that time I still made t-shirts and designed for fun. I made apparel for my clients, and it just eventually merged together.

I capitalized off of the booming fitness industry while social media was blowing up too. Once I started getting on Instagram, I actually connected with the right people and started marketing it like a skate brand.

What was your experience with clothing beforehand, and how did that help you prepare for Live Fit?

When I was about 13 or 14 years old, I joined a band and went on tours. As a band, we needed to make some money, so we started producing merchandise for our fans.

Seeing the success from selling t-shirts, hats, and other apparel, I decided to start my own brand at the age of 14 or 15 years old.

When I went to college, a friend of mine (who now owns Rusty Butcher) started a clothing line and didn’t go to college. He went on to make millions.

I slacked off during college and saw all my friends become successful while pursuing their dreams, so I decided to drop out and start doing the clothing thing again.

Did you feel that there was no value in college or was it the fact that a degree wouldn’t do anything for you?

This is why I follow Secret Entourage, because I believe in the same concept when it comes to college.

I realized that I wasn’t learning anything that is useful in the real world. I also saw people graduating and not doing anything with their degrees. When you’re coughing up $30 – 40K on tuition and coming out shorthanded, it never made sense to me.

All of my personal training clients who were doctors, lawyers, and teachers told me to finish college. I decided that I wanted to risk it, drop out, and go 110%. It was the best decision I ever made.

If someone wanted to drop out of school today to pursue entrepreneurship, what advice would you give them?

When I was in college, I always kept my options open. It was never like I’m going to drop out and not have a path to take or goals to complete.

During my time in college, I owned a t-shirt store and was personal training. I had three full-time jobs and as a result, had a killer income while I was in college. I had options to fall back on, so I would just tell young entrepreneurs to keep their options open and don’t spend so much time indoors studying useless books.

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